What are you doing for National Storytelling Week?

Did you know National Storytelling Week is from the 26th January to 2nd February 2019?

Society for Storytelling Week.jpg

Don’t forget there is also World Book Day on Thursday, 7th March 2019.

 Would you like to take part in “Stories in the Woods”?

As part of National Storytelling Week, I need your help. Can you think of a story that has something to do with the woods, forests or trees? It can be absolutely anything. It can be a story that is well known or one that you have made up. A funny story, a scary story, an adventure story or even a true story. Everybody, of all ages, is welcome to take part.

Please contact me if you or anyone in your family would like to take part.

There will be the chance to come and tell your story, in the tradition of oral storytelling and even get your story printed if you wish. How exciting is that?

The first event for “Stories in the Woods” will be Sunday, 27th January 2019 at The Little Oaks Theatre, The Oaks Park, Sutton. Times and details for tickets will be announced on my website soon.

Look forward to hearing from you
