Join us for an evening of storytelling performed in individual ways.
From traditional storytellers using the spoken word to shadow puppetry, dance or music, this is a stage created by Andy Copps to inspire you to Imagine, Create and Share.
This month we are joined by 3 wonderful guests , storyteller Dave Tonge, Canadian Puppeteer Robin Polfuss and ‘What What’ and artist/illustrator Doug Shaw.
There will also be an open-mic section where you can share a story in your won creative way, from spoken word to music and dance. The choice is yours.
If you would like to sign up to the open mic please do so below and you will be sent a FREE pass too,
You are invited to bring along your art sets and draw the pictures you see in your head and share with the Chalking Stories Community.
We dot not believe that anyone should not come because they cannot afford to. There are 3 price levels to accommodate your budget but if you have have a severe lack of funds you are still very welcome. Please click on the ‘Request a Chalking Stories Acorn’ and you will receive a virtual Acorn which has the code to give you a FREE pass.
Thank you for your support !